Friday, March 13, 2009

Learning should be as natural as breathing...

I am starting this blog more for myself than anyone else. Life is learning. I believe that I was not a good match for public schools. I hated school, and therefore hated learning and never pursued it on my own. In college I took the classes that seemed "fun" and skipped anything of real substance. I don't want that for my kids. I want them to learn how to learn. I don't care if Kirsi knows her times tables by the time she is nine. Does she love to read? Does she love to try new things? Does she love to explore her art? These are an example of the things that matter to me.

Since I started home schooling my kids, my desire to learn has been rekindled. Learning is fun! I never knew. I didn't like being "tested" and "critiqued" and "graded." I got good grades, but it wasn't because I was learning. It was because I did my homework and studied for tests. After my assignments were done, my brain deleted the information.

My kids are soaking up what they are learning because they are learning how, when and what they want. They still do math, history, science, English, etc...but it is in a way that matches their learning style at a pace that matches their attention span. This makes sense to me. I know every family can't school this way, but it is perfect for us. We have never been happier!

On this blog I'm going to make a record of the activities the kids are involved in and what they are learning along the way. Most of their activities are very informal. We welcome any comments and suggestions from friends and family!

1 comment:

  1. Great Post! I couldn't agree more with you. I just need to get the courage to pull Landon from school. I keep going back and forth on the issues. Can't wait to see what else you have to write about.
